Re. Kaw dictionary.

Rankin, Robert L. rankin at KU.EDU
Sat Apr 27 18:53:22 UTC 2013

I haven't yet been able to access the dictionary by computer.  I believe some of you either (a) are a whole lot smarter than I am, or, (b) you've been downloading a preliminary Kaw vocabulary from 2004 or 6.  The exact title of the new dictionary is:  Káanze Íe Wayáje, but it doesn't come up on Google at the moment.  If it isn't yet on-line, it should be soon.  Both Linda (especially) and I have been extremely busy planning out our Kaw Grammar, and, in her case, also dealing with tribal and other logistic matters.  One way or another we'll try to get some copies to the Siouan and Caddoan Conference for folks who are interested.  Other orders can be handled by mail through Linda.

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