regrets and thoughts

Randy Graczyk rgraczyk at AOL.COM
Fri Apr 11 20:37:48 UTC 2014

I just looked through my files, and I have 26 papers by Bob Rankin.  There are undoubtedly some that I don't have.   I know some of these have been published (often in out-of-the-way journals), but many have not.  All of them are worth passing on to future generations of Siouanists.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary C Marino <mary.marino at USASK.CA>
Sent: Fri, Apr 11, 2014 2:20 pm
Subject: Re: regrets and thoughts

It happens;  a will does not      necessarily make things any easier for the survivors.  Could the      university provide you with some space for storage of the      materials, where you (and maybe others) could work on them?  
      On 11/04/2014 1:36 PM, David Kaufman wrote:

It's my understanding that Bob did not leave a will.


David Kaufman
Linguistic Anthropology PhD candidate, University of              Kansas
            Director, Kaw Nation Language Program
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Mary C          Marino <mary.marino at>          wrote:
Did Bob leave any instructions about these matters in                his Will?
                On 11/04/2014 12:12 PM, David Kaufman wrote:
Hi David and all,                  

Sorry to hear David that you won't be able to                    make it to the SCLC this year.

I know we have talked about doing a Festschrift                    in Bob's honor, and this is certainly something we                    can discuss at the meeting.  Hopefully our                    organizers can set aside some time on the schedule                    so we can all participate in this discussion.

As for the CSD, I think it's a great idea to have                    it finalized and published in some form, either                    electronically or in print, or both.

As concerns Bob's unpublished papers and computer                    files, Carolyn, Bob's wife, and I have been in touch                    fairly regularly.  Even before Bob's death, she said                    that she and Bob had discussed it and thought it                    would be best that I come up to their house and                    "clean out" his garage full of files, books, etc.                     Also, I plan to take a USB drive and download as                    much of his computer files as possible, at least                    some of which I know pertain to Kaw.  I'll be happy                    to distribute whatever I find pertaining to other                    Siouan languages to those of you who want it.  I'm                    hoping to go up and do this in the next couple of                    months, possibly in early June or so before it gets                    too hot.  I know Carolyn is thinking about selling                    the house and moving up to be with family in                    Wisconsin, so this cleaning out will have to be done                    fairly soon anyway.  

Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted as plans for                    these things become more concrete.  Things are a bit                    crazy for me right now as I work full-time for the                    Kaw Nation and try to finish my dissertation without                    yet having another committee member to substitute                    for Bob.  I hope to defend in May, but I'm still                    awaiting final word on a new committee member and                    date from my advisor.  


David Kaufman
Linguistic Anthropology PhD                        candidate, University of Kansas
                      Director, Kaw Nation Language Program
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 12:27                    PM, ROOD DAVID S <david.rood at>                    wrote:
                      Hi, everyone,
                              My family schedule for at least part of                      the summer has finally settled down, and I regret                      that it precludes me from attending the SCLC again                      this year.  The earliest I could get to Madison                      would be mid-afternoon on Saturday, hardly the                      appropriate time for participating in the meeting.
                              I am very much interested in what is                      decided about honoring Bob Rankin, however, and in                      what might be done to make his huge contribution                      to the history of Siouan and the structure of                      Dhegiah part of a permanent record.  I know he has                      many papers that have never been published, as                      well as many that are published here and there in                      places we don't always know about.  As early as                      1984, at the workshop that launched the                      Comparative Dictionary project, I proposed a                      "collection of papers" volume that would be a                      place for his work (and others), but that has                      never materialized.
                              Moreover, for the last few years Bob was                      the major player in the evolution of the                      Comparative Dictionary.  As most of you know, Iren                      Hartmann at the MPI-Leipzig is working on creating                      a usable digital verson of the CSD.  Of the                      original 5 participants (John Koontz, Wes Jones,                      Dick Carter, Rankin and me) in the project, I                      guess I'm the only one who is still interested and                      available, so I'm going to work with Iren to see                      if that can't be finalized and formalized.  There                      is quite a bit of urgency here, because as many of                      you know, the structure of the MPI in Leipzig will                      change dramatically in May of 2015, and they will                      likely no longer be interested in supporting                      Iren's work.
                              If any of you have any thoughts on how                      best to move forward with either Bob's legacy or                      the CSD, please discuss them at the meeting and                      keep me informed.  I don't feel like I know                      Carolyn well enough to approach her about any of                      this; perhaps one of you would be willing to help                      with that.
                              Best wishes to all for a fruitful and fun                      meeting.
                          David S. Rood
                          Dept. of Linguistics
                          Univ. of Colorado
                          295 UCB
                          Boulder, CO 80309-0295
                          rood at

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