Accommodations and tentative schedule for SCLC 34

Meredith Johnson majohnson25 at WISC.EDU
Thu Mar 20 04:49:11 UTC 2014

Dear all,

Thank you for all the questions, comments and feedback. Here are some responses, and please let me know if I missed anything.

A few people in this thread have mentioned doing something at the conference to honor Dr. Rankin, which all of the organizers are very much in favor of! Is anyone willing to take the lead on this? If someone could take the initiative and let us know how much time you would like to devote to this, we will put it on the schedule right away. Also of course let us know if you need anything else from us to help put this together!

With respect to accommodations in Madison. There are two Super 8 hotels in Madison. The Madison South location is 3.3 miles from the conference site, which would be a 30 minute bus ride. This Madison East location is a little bit cheaper, but it is 7.3 miles away and a 45 minute bus ride. There's also an Econo Lodge on E Washington that is 7 miles/60 min bus ride away, and the Motel 6 Madison North location is 6 miles/40 minute bus ride away.

Madison is home to a Big Ten university which hosts athletic events, conferences, and other world-renowned events throughout the year.  This is why hotel space near the campus is higher in cost. It's not a huge city, but the downtown ares is located on an isthmus, so space is at a premium and costs reflect that. We wanted to make the conference as cheap and accessible as possible, which is why we opted for free conference space on campus rather than renting out space at a hotel, which would necessitated the charging of a conference fee. We chose a convenient hotel for our block of rooms, since sharing a room at that hotel would be cheaper than getting a single room farther out. We are three grad students organizing the conference, and we often travel to conferences with no funding, so we certainly are sensitive to costs of attending conferences. We recommend either sharing rooms at a hotel by campus, or taking a bus from a more remote hotel for those on a tight budget.

To address your point about Linguist List, Linguist List is an expansive web site utilized by tens of thousands of linguists worldwide to access any all things linguistics-related in the academic field.  We chose to utilize Linguist List for our conference announcement and abstract submission, as many other conferences worldwide do, because of its convenience.  We wanted one central place from which to access and review abstract submissions, to ensure that everything gets handled in an efficient and timely manner, and minimizing the chance of something getting missed lost in communication between the three of us. We're not using Linguist List instead of the Siouan List, we are just taking advantage of certain utilities to help make planning easier.

We also thought it would be advantageous to have one central website for all conference related information so that attendees do not have to sift through old emails to find relevant information. We also recognize the conference might be of interest to people that are not on the Siouan list, so we want all information widely available. (That's also why the conference was announced both here and on the Linguist List). We plan on disseminating all information through the Siouan list as well, so no one needs to rely on checking the website if they do not want to.

We hope this helps, and please let us know if you have any further questions.

On Mar 19, 2014, at 4:27 PM, Jimm Goodtracks <jgoodtracks at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Dear List members and associates:
> I very much agree with Catherine, that the greater tribute to Bob is to attend the conference, and continue his love and his life’s work.  No! Physically Bob will not be present except via photos and other material items brought in his name.  However, Bob will definitely be at the conference, because he lives within each of us to whom he has contributed so much to our own being, knowledge and presence.  It was he and John Koontz some thirty years ago that urged my attendance.  Yes, I do indeed anticipate the spirit of his person to be amongst us.
> In another note, how close are the Super 8 Motels, Circle 6 and other economy motels to the conference site.  Some of us do not have large personal incomes, and others of us blessed with some kind of a grant wish to make the better, more economical use of the funds.  How big is Madison, as compared to Lincoln and Lawrence?
> And I am unsure about going through some Linguist List, when we have our own Siouan List.  If I don’t see it here, I for my part, am not hunting around on the internet.  I did find the personal conference website.  I will have to bookmark it.  When the conference was at White Cloud, we simply sent out notices and updates to the whole list as they became available, without anyone prompting us by going on line to find us or a special web site for updates.   Just saying.....
> I underline Catherine’s Thank You (Ahó, Wibla ha [if that’s correct P/Om], Wénawerihinwi ke and Migwetch) to the organization committee for your tremendous undertaking of accepting the organization of the SCLC which is no small task.  Like your predecessors, your committee will craft another successful and enjoyable conference, that will be remembered in succeeding years ahead.  The success of the White Cloud conference is summed up in the person of Saul Schwartz.  He was the nucleus, the legs, arms, and body that weaved it all into a smooth beautiful composition and presentation, as my own contribution was minimal and marked with medical complications.  May no complications be your reality in Madison.
> Like Catherine, I too will not be making a presentation, as I have all I can say grace over on my plate at this time.  However, I hear that one of our assistants is seriously considering presenting on our current CAAP grant, and Saul has thought of revealing the true author of one of the IOM’s most enabling resources that has long been credited to another individual.
> Tórigunda
> Jimm
> From: Catherine Rudin
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:47 PM
> To: SIOUAN at
> Subject: Re: Accommodations and tentative schedule for SCLC 34
> The link works fine for me. 
> Jill, I certainly share your sense of loss, but it seems to me the last thing Bob would have wanted is for folks to not attend the conference because he won't be there.  Let's all go honor his life by continuing the work he loved. 
> Meredith, Bryan, and Matea THANK YOU for an outstanding job organizing so far -- I've been delighted to see timely information and reminders not only on the Siouan list but also on LinguistList.  The SCLC has varied widely over the years -- each organizer does it a little differently, and that's fine.  I don't see anything closed or unfriendly in using an online system for submitting abstracts.  I'm not planning on giving a talk this year (alas, too overbooked to get around to writing anything up) -- but I definitely plan to attend and am looking forward to it.
> Catherine
> >>> Meredith Johnson <majohnson25 at WISC.EDU> 3/19/2014 11:52 AM >>>
> Hi again all,
> Hmm, that's strange. All three of the organizers tried it, and several people have successfully uploaded abstracts. I'm guessing Linguist List was just updating the website. If you have trouble, I would suggest trying it again a little later. If anyone has continual trouble, please let me know, and I'll contact Linguist List.
> Best,
> Meredith
> On Mar 19, 2014, at 7:49 AM, Jimm Goodtracks <jgoodtracks at GMAIL.COM> wrote
>> For your information, I was unable to connect with the link below on conference program -
>> From: Meredith Johnson
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:01 AM
>> To: SIOUAN at
>> Subject: Re: Accommodations and tentative schedule for SCLC 34
>> Hi all,
>> A couple of quick responses to Jill's questions, which I am responding to on list in case others are interested.
>> Dorm space: to the best of our knowledge, there is no available dorm space. The conference venue is also on the edge of campus, and all dorms would actually be further away than the hotel. Having the conference in an urban setting unfortunately has its drawbacks: we could either choose a convenient hotel to get a block of rooms in, or a somewhat cheaper one that would require a long bus ride for participants.
>> As for going through linguist list: We certainly were not trying to be formal; there are just three organizers and we all would like access to all abstracts submitted. I have accepted abstracts that were e-mailed to me, and if anyone else would prefer to do that, I will happily accept them and pass them on to the other organizers. All other correspondence will be done "person-to-person."
>> Of course, if there are any suggestions as to how we can maintain the "generously open and friendly tone of the conference", don't hesitate to e-mail me on or off-list. If we have done anything else to offend anyone while trying to organize this conference, drop me a line.
>> Best,
>> Meredith
>> On Mar 19, 2014, at 12:40 AM, "Greer, Jill" <Greer-J at MSSU.EDU> wrote
>>> Dear Meredith, Bryan, and Matea,
>>> A couple of questions/comments:  Is there no possibility of less expensive dorm space?  A shorter walk and/or less expense might make the conference more friendly to a larger number of folks.  Also,  it seems a little formal to be going through linguist list rather than directly to the organizer's emails,  regardless of links provided.  Yes,  I'm sorry to sound like a grumpy old Luddite,  but surely  linguists of all people ought to be cognizant of the meta-communicative message of relying on 3rd party providers for 'ease' , so to speak, rather than actual person-to-person correspondence? 
>>> Forgive me for the complaints.  This meeting date is a bit early in the summer for my calendar,  and I'm not really sure I'm up to going to a Siouan conference without Bob just yet anyway.  No doubt everyone is still reeling under that weight, too.  Perhaps the proceedings could be shared with the list?  Rory was the only  one kind enough to actually share his paper from last summer's meeting. 
>>> But for future collegiality with fellow Siouanists,  perhaps I'm not too far out of line to request that the generously open and friendly tone of the conference not be replaced with the rather frenzied pace of the "standard"  linguistics meeting. 
>>> In the meantime,  thank you for the willingness to host,  and I hope that perhaps the beginning of some kind of Festschrift for Bob could begin to emerge from the group sorrow. 
>>> Sincerely yours,
>>> Jill Greer
>>> On Mar 18, 2014, at 10:41 PM, Meredith Johnson <majohnson25 at WISC.EDU>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> We have a couple of updates about the upcoming 34th Siouan and Caddoan Languages Conference, to be held Friday, May 23 to Sunday, May 25 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
>>>> The conference will be held at Memorial Union, which is on the University of Wisconsin campus in downtown Madison. We have reserved a block of rooms at the Hampton Inn, which is the closest hotel to the conference site (less than a 10 minute walk away). The special conference rate is $119/night for a double room from May 22-25. The rate is available until April 22, and you can access this rate from the following link:
>>>> If you're on a tighter budget, we suggest finding a hotel on the west side of Madison and taking a bus to the conference. Bus schedules and Google transit planner are available here: Please note that there are different schedules for the work week and weekend.
>>>> Please see attached for a (very) tentative schedule. If you‘d like to secure one of the spots on this schedule, remember to submit an abstract online at by this Sunday, March 23! :)
>>>> Lastly, we hope to have registration available shortly! We are still waiting for confirmation on our conference funding. If it comes through (fingers crossed!), registration will be free, and there will be a subsidized conference dinner. We will let you know as soon as we do!
>>>> We hope to have more info for you soon, but in the meantime, please feel free to e-mail with any questions. Also check our new website for updates and additional information.
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Meredith Johnson
>>>> Bryan Rosen
>>>> Matea Schuck
>>>> SCLC 34 Organizers
>>>> <SCLC prelim schedule.pdf>
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