<p><tt>>> Does Kaw reduce what in OP is gdh- to l-, as I believe happens with Osage? Could that -loba be equated to OP gdhu'ba, 'all', 'the whole thing'?<br>
> Yes, it does. But 'all, whole' is /bloga/ in Kaw, so there's been some messing around with the initial cluster.<br>
<tt>In Omaha, this and I believe a few other words seem to do some sound symbolic alternations between bdhVgV and gdhVbV. So we have bdhu'ga too for 'all', as well as gdhu'ba. I don't think we've figured out for sure quite what the difference is. I guess the question would depend on how far back in the Omaha/Dhegihan language lineage a *bro'ka/*gro'pa alternation existed.</tt><br>