<br><font size=2><tt>I looked in Dorsey's texts, and gdhu'ba appears 90:197.19,
648.4, 648.5.<br>
These examples are attributed to S^aN'geska 'White Horse', a member of
Omaha Wolf Clan - I'm not sure which one this is! - who is described as<br>
understanding Kaw as well as Omaha. He is noted as a member of the<br>
chief's party, or a conservative. In 199.4, 199.18 the same man produces<br>
ZhiNtheho John,</tt></font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">ShoNgeska is identified as Ellis Blackbird,
age 50 years, with wife #1 PoNcasoN and wife #2 NoNzeiNze in Alice Fletcher's
1882 Land Allotment Register, p. 14.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">He is pictured in F&LaF The Omaha
Tribe pp. 171-175. They report that the MoNthiNkagaxe (Earth Makers) did
not have subclans, but had "groups" associated with certain rites.
One was the "wolf" or mikasi group.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Uthixide</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif"><br>
Office: 402-472-3455<br>
FAX: 402-472-9642<br>
UmoNhoN ie thethudi<br>
Omaha Language Spoken Here</font><font size=2><tt><br>