<p><tt>> I think we want to be a little careful about reconstructing semantics from silverware. (a) the older meaning is 'gourd' -- squashes come later in the archaeological record. Gourds are used for dippers virtually everywhere. Proto-Siouan has a reconstructible term for 'gourd', namely *ko:re, but not 'squash'. (b) I think that most linguists would agree that the incorporated meanings, in Algonquian and elsewhere, tend to maintain the conservative semantics even better than the independent nouns and verbs. <br>
> Other "spoon" terms are typically reconstructible as 'shell' or 'horn'.<br>
<tt>Thanks, Bob! Are gourds actually grown/used even by people in the sub-arctic? And do we have any handle on how far back in time would they have been used?</tt><br>
<tt>Is there any reflex of *ko:re in Dhegihan? That ought to come out as *gu:dhe in Omaha, right?</tt><br>