i spoke too soon

Carolyn L. Ostrander clostran at MAILBOX.SYR.EDU
Wed Jul 1 11:04:39 UTC 1998

On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Mary E. Arliskas wrote:

> hello, an addendum to my last message...
> i get what cueing is (the 8 handshapes in different locations...) what I am
>  REALLY looking for is a site that uses cueing as a communication method for
>  instruction with deaf kids. I know there are a few in Wisconsin. please let
>  know if u can assist. it is much appreciated!!!
There is a terrific program in Maryland which uses three tracks, ASL/TC,
oral, and Cued Speech. Parents choose one track when they enter the school
system, but either parent or student preference may result in a switch to
another track later. In upper grades students from all tracks are together
in the same school, giving them a chance to share insights and support
each other. I can provide the address on request.

Carolyn Ostrander

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