research help

Mary Arliskas mearlis at FLASH.NET
Thu Apr 15 14:35:55 UTC 1999

Dear List,

Over the past few months your thoughts and ideas have been extremely
helpful to me in my research. Here I am once again with a conundrum for you

I have been intrigued for some time with the written langauge of deaf
children. The instruments used to measure writing is where I think I would
like to focus my efforts for now.

I think it would be interesting to somehow compile a list of the different
assessments used to gauge writing - maybe a careful analysis of these
instruments would shed some light on why the results have been varied.

I originally wanted to study the kids themselves, and their writing
samples. But now for some reason I think it may be the instruments which
need to be studied.

Here in Illinois, deaf students do not take standardized assessments in
writing. The IEP's are used to assess their progress. Are there
standardized writing assessments especially for deaf students? Where would
I find them? Is there a seceret list somewhere of assessments?

Thank You very much in advance for your responses.


Mary E. Arliskas
aspiring psycholinguist :)

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