International Congress on Education of the Deaf

Professor Des Power D.Power at MAILBOX.GU.EDU.AU
Wed Jun 16 22:20:27 UTC 1999

Greetings everyone. This is just to remind everyone that the
International Congress on Education of the Deaf will be held in Sydney,
Australia on 9 - 13 July, 2000. The ICED is the oldest educational
congress in the world and always draws a great crowd of deaf/Deaf
people, educators of the deaf, linguists, audiologists, parents and
othger individuals interested in deafness and education of the deaf. We
would very much like contributions on sign and I cordially invite you
all to submit papers and attend.


I can answer queries, as can the Congress Organisers:
kedwards at

There is also an ICED Web Page:

You will find details and the Call for Papers there.

Best wishes. See you there.


Professor Des Power, Director
Centre for Deafness Studies and Research, and
Language Australia, Centre for Deafness and Communication  Studies
Faculty of Education
Griffith University, QLD 4111

Tel:  (617) 3875 5654
Fax:  (617) 3875 5924

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