ISO 639 just an aside on how even ASL is categorized in a major bookstore chain--ugggh!

Linda Lee Lonning lonning at CSD.UWM.EDU
Fri Feb 11 15:37:39 UTC 2000

Hello everyone--

An aside on how we see signed languages treated in terms of their
recognition in their placement in libraries and even in bookstores.  (I
read the ISO one initial email realllly quickly so excuse me if I'm not
capturing the essence of what ISO is exactly used for.)

It has always rubbed me the wrong way as I peruse my area bookstores here
in Milwaukee (I'm talking specifically about our Barnes and Noble chain
here) to see ASL  **NOT** in the section for foreign languages (in the
case of ASL, and many other languages being present, please excuse the
reference to "foreign" in this case...but you see my point)...but they
place them in the *reference section (with the dictionaries, after all,
you can "learn" sign language by just memorizing a bunch of pictures,
right??  Uhhh!  ...OR I also see sign language books placed by the
enlarged-print books!  (After all, that's what sign language is, right?
An auxillary "device" or mechanism for communication, right??

I've asked personel at each book store what their rationale is for the
placement of sign language books where they are and explained that it
would more fairly placed at least with the "foreign" languages.  I've
submitted a feedback card to their regional or corporate office (where
ever that one was supposed to go)...NO response at all.  I was told I
should write something like their regional headquarters, etc.  Wow.  How
customer-friendly (?!)  BUT I'm told, the placement of media for Barnes
and Noble is decided higher up.

I encourage folks to stop in their local bookstores/chains and check-out
where sign language/Deaf culture books are placed as well.  Let me know
what you find-- ;) .

Linda L. Lonning, BS, CI & CT
University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee--Part-time Staff Interpreter
Community-based Interpreter with 3 Area Agencies

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