Deafophobic Lancet article

Dan Parvaz dparvaz at UNM.EDU
Sun Mar 12 10:40:36 UTC 2000

Scripsit Eric:
>The author seems not to consider that the early detection of a hearing
>impairment could also lead to the early identification of those children
>would benefit from early exposure to sign language, and that this exposure
>could greatly improve language skills, social and emotional well-being,
>Sign language is nowhere mentioned in the article.

The good Dr.'s argument sounds exactly like the blandishments of the
cochlear industry. I've heard implant folks reject candidates for implant
surgery because the ol' synapses for hearing just don't fire anymore. But if
you catch 'em early enough -- well, you can rescue those synapses from
certain doom. I always *knew* this screening thing would be a two-edged



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