Documenting Historical Change in ASL

Dan Parvaz dparvaz at UNM.EDU
Wed Nov 15 23:28:55 UTC 2000

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Karlin, Ben wrote:

> Has anyone documented change in ASL over time?  Anyone got a reference?

Nancy Frishberg's classic paper in Language (recaptulated in
Klima&Bellugi's _The Signs of Language_), Barb Shaffer's (2000)
dissertation on the grammaticization of modals (and her paper with Terry
Jantzen in the upcoming SLS). Jantzen's paper on the development of
non-manual marking for topics and conditionals.  Any others out
there? Lots of in-class stuff done here at UNM.

> AND the other question I promised:  Has anyone got documentary
> references for rural southern black signs?

Is James Woodward still working on this? Anyone?

Hope that's a start,


.. .   D A N  P A R V A Z  --  Geek-in-Residence
 U    University of New Mexico Linguistics Dept
 -    dparvaz@{,}   505.480.9638

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