FW: 11.2348, FYI: <snip> Syntax of ASL

Nobukatsu Minoura@IDGS Nobukatsu.Minoura at SIGN-LANG.UNI-HAMBURG.DE
Tue Oct 31 00:33:07 UTC 2000

Forwarded from the Linguist mailing list.


Nobukatsu Minoura
Institute of German Sign Language, University of Hamburg
Binderstrasse 34, D-20146 Hamburg (till Aug. 2001)
Fax: ++49 40 428 38 61 09, Mobile phone: ++49 174 256 94 49


-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:04:25 -0400 (EDT)
From:  Carol Neidle <carol at louis-xiv.bu.edu>
Subject:  The Syntax of ASL - 11.2318 Review: Neidle et al

Having just read Pius ten Hacken's kind and comprehensive review of
our book, I would just like to offer one piece of information
in regard to the comment about the inefficiency of downloading
video examples from our Web site: http://www.bu.edu/asllrp/ .
These examples are also available on CD-ROM (cost: $10),
along with an html page for each chapter facilitating access
to the video examples in the order in which they are presented
in the book.  (That same CD-ROM also contains video examples
to accompany many of our other publications, as well as
some publications that are available in electronic format.)

Carol Neidle                                   Boston University, MFLL
carol at louis-xiv.bu.edu                           718 Commonwealth Ave.
http://www.bu.edu/asllrp/carol.html                  Boston, MA  02215
phone and fax: 617-353-6218

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