AUSLAN Past/Present tense forms

Don & Theresa Grushkin DTGrushkin at EMAIL.MSN.COM
Tue Feb 20 22:02:47 UTC 2001

I had the opportunity to observe a visitor to our school from Australia
demonstrate some signs in Auslan.  I was interested to note that Auslan
seems to have a separate sign for the present and past tense form of DID
(which looks amazingly like ASL "WHAT-TO-DO!) and SEE vs. SAW.  I didn't
have the opportunity to talk with her about the linguistics of Auslan, much
as I would have liked to, so I'm turning to you folks out there in Oz (BSL
signers are also welcome to give their input to my questions).  My questions

1) is there a present tense form of DO in Auslan?

2) is the presence of specific past/present tense forms some kind of
carryover from Signed English (the British/Australian version)?  ASL, as you
know, has no specific signs denoting past/present -- we must add the marker
"FINISH" to denote past tense

3) are there a great number of verbs in Auslan with the specific
past/present tense forms, or is it limited to only a few verbs?

--Don Grushkin

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