machine translations

Dan Parvaz dparvaz at UNM.EDU
Sun Feb 25 16:37:59 UTC 2001

There's been some pretty bad stuff out there, some of which actually uses
the term `computational linguistics' to lend credibility to the, um,
product. As near as I can tell, they use `computational linguistics' to
mean `string tokenization and lookup.' And don't get me started on the
material (electronic and otherwise) usurping the title of `dictionary.'

> And now, me being naughty: how about sign language researchers who cannot
> sign, and understand sign language, themselves? Or even have the courage to
> communicate with deaf people at all? ;-)

Why should sign linguists be any different than their spoken-language
colleagues? :-) Seriously, though, I've found the level of language
competence/community involvement of SL linguists (at least the ones that I
know) to be relatively high. There is also a commitment among some
linguists to `giving back,' if for no other reason than to combat the
image of researchers as plunderers.



.. .   D A N  P A R V A Z  --  Geek-in-Residence
 U    University of New Mexico Linguistics Dept
 -    dparvaz@{,}   505.480.9638

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