Marie Curie Training Site fellowships

B.Woll b.woll at CITY.AC.UK
Wed Jan 17 13:35:19 UTC 2001

I would be grateful if you would bring this announcement to the
attention of postgraduate students.

Thank you,


         Marie Curie Training Site Postgraduate Fellowships
            in Sign Language and Deaf Studies: EUROSIGN

Applications are invited for Marie Curie postgraduate training
fellowships for between 3 and 12 months, across a wide range of
specialisms in the sign language and deaf studies field. Current
research activities include: the linguistics of European sign
languages; variation and change in sign language; assessing sign
language development; learning sign language as a second
language; neurological processing of sign; the effects of
neurological impairments on signing; provision of information
through sign language media; sign language interpreting; sign
communication through touch.

Successful applicants will attend one or more training modules and
participate in the general research activities of the group. Individual
tutorial support will be provided. Individual programmes of study
may also be available in environments including schools, colleges,
community interpreting units, and health service units. Fellows will
be particularly encouraged to undertake more than one block of
study where applicable, e.g. an initial training block, and a second
attachment to support analytical work following data collection in
their own countries.

Applicants must have a first degree or equivalent in an appropriate
subject, be registered for a doctoral degree in a university outside
the UK, and be a citizen or permanent resident of an EU member
state or associated state. All applicants are required to have a
degree of competence in at least one of the European sign
languages together with good skills in written English before
beginning their Fellowship. Fellows will receive a monthly stipend of
1200 Euros plus a travel allowance. Fellowships will be available
until December 2004.

Staff in the research group include both hearing and deaf
researchers, and applications are particularly welcomed from deaf
students, for whom support services will be arranged as required.

For general information on the Marie Curie scheme, visit the EU
webpage { HYPERLINK ""
} . For further information on the
Eurosign programme, contact Professor Bencie Woll, Sign
Language and Deaf Studies, Department of Language and
Communication Science, City University, Northampton Square,
London EC1V 0HB { HYPERLINK "mailto:b.woll at"
}b.woll at

Bencie Woll
b.woll at
Language and Communication Science
City University, Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7477 8354 (voice) +44 (0)20 7477 8314 (text)
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7477 8577
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