"is this thing on?"

Mark Mandel Mark_Mandel at DRAGONSYS.COM
Tue Jun 19 19:32:23 UTC 2001

I'm sorry to bother the list with this, but I haven't been able to get the
job done in what I thought was the right way.

After coming back from a vacation, I see that I have received nothing from
SLLING-L in the past two weeks. I'm afraid that the list server may have
unsubscribed me on getting my vacation bounce message. I tried to follow my
old directions for turning the sub back on, but no luck (see attachment).
What should I do? -- Or has the list just been totally quiet?

   Mark A. Mandel : Dragon Systems, a Lernout & Hauspie company
          Mark_Mandel at dragonsys.com : Senior Linguist
 320 Nevada St., Newton, MA 02460, USA : http://www.dragonsys.com

---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Mandel/Dragon Systems USA on
06/19/2001 03:33 PM ---------------------------

From: smtp at admin.humberc.on.ca

Date: 06/19/2001 03:30:46 PM

To:   <Mark_Mandel at dragonsys.com>
Subject:  Undeliverable Mail

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From: Mark_Mandel at dragonsys.com
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 15:25:13 -0400
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