Clause/sentence identification

Adam Schembri adam.schembri at BRISTOL.AC.UK
Sat May 26 12:35:30 UTC 2001

A graduate student here at the Centre for Deaf Studies is working on
topicalisation in Hong Kong Sign Language. Her data consists of
signed texts rather than elicited clauses/sentences. She is having
trouble identifying clause/sentence boundaries in her data. Her
literature review has suggested that pauses, eye blinks and scope of
non-manual features operate as signals of clause/sentence boundaries
in other signed languages, but these have not always proven reliable
indicators in her data.

Any suggestions for what to do/read next?

Adam Schembri


Adam Schembri
Lecturer (Sign linguistics)
Centre for Deaf Studies
University of Bristol
8 Woodland Rd
Bristol BS8 1TN
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)117 954 6909
Textphone: +44 (0)117 954 6920
Fax: +44 (0)117 954 6921
Email: Adam.Schembri at

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