eye movements / eye gaze & nonmanual signals

Inge Zwitserlood inge.zwitserlood at LET.UU.NL
Tue Oct 16 06:17:20 UTC 2001

Hi Claude,
There's another reference that might be helpful (I think it was not
mentioned yet):

Neidle, C. J. (2000). The syntax of American Sign Language : functional
categories and hierarchical structure. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press

Good luck,

Inge Zwitserlood, UiL OTS
Trans 10                                     Fort Orthenlaan 13
3512 JK  UTRECHT                 5231 PZ 's-HERTOGENBOSCH
030 - 253 83 13                        073 - 642 40 43
inge.zwitserlood at let.uu.nl     izjo at knoware.nl

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