Metathesis in signs

victoria nyst victorianyst at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 22 13:38:37 UTC 2001

Dear Rachel and Trude,
The variants of DAG I have seen are as follows:
1 An index hands moves towards the cheek, making contact (once) at the end
with the fingertip on the lower cheek
2 An index hand with initial contact on the lower cheek moves a very short
distance into space.

Two deaf colleagues at the University here say they use the form with final
contact, one of whom says she is using the form with initial contact in
compounds. One deaf colleague says he uses the variant with initial contact.
(A fourth one uses an unrelated sign).
In the NGT calendar 2001, the compound MOEDERDAG, the form with initial
contact is used. This morning the SL interpreter wished us a PRETTIGE DAG
(nice day) with initial contact. Anyway, there seems to be quite a bit of

Another example of metathesis, but more conditioned it seems, is found in
the sign pairs PAPA (daddy) and OPA (grandpa), as well as MAMA and OMA.

In PAPA, an index hand contacts the chin twice, the sign ending in contact.
In OPA, the index hand makes a circling movement around the mouth (no
contact), contacts the chin once as in PAPA and moves away from it, ending
in no contact. Same story for MAMA and OMA, but with a different handshape,
an M-shape.

Universiteit van Amsterdam

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