Any information on Rathmann 2000?

G Sapountzaki, Deaf Studies Galini.Sapountzaki at BRISTOL.AC.UK
Thu Sep 13 16:35:56 UTC 2001

Hello everyone,

Thanks to all those who replied my previous email on auxiliary-like
items in signed languages.
I am trying to access the full manuscript of Rathmann (2000)presented
in the 7th Meeting on Theoretical Issues of SL Research in Amsterdam,
July 23-27. The title of the article is 'Does the presence of a PERSON
agreement marker predict word order in signed languages?'
If anyone has Rathmann's contact details, or some more information on
auxiliary signs, it would be great.

Galini Sapountzaki
G Sapountzaki, Deaf Studies
Galini.Sapountzaki at

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