Out of town

David Corina corina at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Mon Jul 15 16:11:16 UTC 2002

UPDATE: 7/14/02

I will be out email contact for two weeks.

David Corina is on sabbatical leave Winter and Spring Quarters 2002.
I will be monitoring my U.W. email, but not daily.

In case of urgent matters, please contact my lab coordinator Julia High
jmhi at u.washington.edu

I can be mailed and contacted here:
Departamento de Psicologia Cognitiva
Universidad de La Laguna
Campus de Guajara, 38205.
La Laguna. Tenerife. SPAIN

Tel.:  +34 922 317515 (office)
Tel    +34.922.317500 (dept)
FAX: +34 922 317461.


David Corina

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