More Re: Bard & Sachs 1977

Randall Hogue Randall.Hogue at GALLAUDET.EDU
Fri Oct 25 21:00:06 UTC 2002

Adam, Des and others,

I also found this reference to a paper presented at the annual Boston 
University Conference on Language Development (2nd, Boston, 
Massachusetts, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1977:

Bard, Barbara. Sachs, Jacqueline S. Language Acquisition Patterns in 
Two Normal Children of Deaf Parents. 16 p. 1977 [SPEECHES, CONFERENCE 
AN: ED150868

I hope this helps,
Randall Hogue

On Friday, October 25, 2002, at 02:40  PM, Des Power wrote:

> Hello Adam. Have I said Welcome Home? Welcome Home anyway :-)
> Ive not heard of that paper before :-( If some one sends you the 
> reference could you forward to me please. Are you working in that 
> area? I remember a  reference in a paper by Catherine Snow (I think) 
> about two Codas in CA who had the same difficulty. Do you know it? If 
> youd like it Ill try and track it down.
> Des
> Does anyone have a full reference for the article by Bard and Sachs 
> (1977) that discussed the case of Jim the CODA? Apparently, Jim’s deaf 
> parents expected he would acquire English exclusively from exposure to 
> the radio and television, but this did not, of course, eventuate and 
> he experienced a severe spoken language delay.
> Thanks,
> Adam
> --
> Adam Schembri, PhD
> 37 Pearl St
> Newtown NSW
> 2042 Australia
> Tel: (+61 2) 9550 2029
> Mob: (+61) 0439 376 466
> Email: adam.schembri at
> Adjunct Lecturer
> Renwick College
> Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children
> Private Bag 29
> Parramatta NSW
> 2124 Australia
> Tel: (+61 2) 9872 0284
> Fax: (+61 2) 9873 1614
> Email: adam.schembri at

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