sign databases

Mason Perkins Deafness Fund mperkins at TIN.IT
Fri Sep 6 10:03:47 UTC 2002

Dear Dan,
Forgive me but somehow I never read your message till cleanup time now!
Our Italian Sign language dictionary, edited by me, is ordered by transcription, adapted from Stokoe.  It was published in 92.
It was developed by lloyd Anderson mechanically on Fourth Dimension for Mac.
Let me know if you need to know more.

Elena Radutzky, Ph.D.,
Director, Mason Perkins Deafness Fund, Rome
Coordinator, Italian Fulbright Commission Deafness Program

Dan Parvaz ha scritto:

>      Does anyone have or know about any transcription of some or all of the Stokoe Casterline and Croneberg ASL dictionary (DASL) into something that is machine readable, so that one could get frequency counts of handshapes, places, etc.?  Is anyone aware of any other phonetic or phonological sign language database of any sign language?  I am aware of the SignPhon database for SLN, but not of any other.
> Mark Mandel had transcribed the dictionary into an ASCII version of Stokoe notation, but at last exchange, what he had was not currently machine-readable. I can't remember why, though. If it's a matter of technology, perhaps someone has an old tape drive or something on campus. If not, there's always scanning.
> There's also the large database of signs in the SingWriting database. There are utilities to convert that to an XML-style document. From that point, hacking a little Perl to count things like handshapes and movement would be possible; contact and location would be trickier (several of us here can help with that, or there might be someone closer to you).
> Cheers,
> Dan.

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