A final note on duality

Adam Schembri Adam.Schembri at RIDBC.ORG.AU
Sat May 17 04:02:27 UTC 2003

In the recent discussion about duality, it was not mentioned that it might
not be limited to language. There is some evidence that it is also found in
some forms of animal communication. See the reference on the websites below
(provided by John Coleman of Oxford University).

Adam Schembri, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Renwick College

University of Newcastle/

Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children

Private Bag 29

Parramatta NSW 2124


Tel (voice/TTY): +(61 2) 9872 0281

Fax: (+61 2) 9873 1614

Email: adam.schembri at ridbc.org.au <mailto:adam.schembri at ridbc.org.au>

-----Original Message-----

From: John Coleman [mailto:john.coleman at phonetics.oxford.ac.uk
<mailto:john.coleman at phonetics.oxford.ac.uk> ]

Sent: Saturday, 17 May 2003 1:48 AM

To: Adam Schembri

Subject: Re: FW: The Status of Sign Language & 2nd Articulation

Adam Schembri wrote:

>According to your lecture notes on the internet, duality of patterning

>(or double articulation) may not be limited to human communication.




>Is there really sufficient evidence for this claim?


Yes. On the handout you mentioned I cited the Premack and Premack

experiments. Another example is the call of cotton-top tamarin  (see the

Demers reference on the reading list for that

course: http://www.phon.ox.ac.uk/~jcoleman/biological_bibliography.htm
<http://www.phon.ox.ac.uk/~jcoleman/biological_bibliography.htm> )

Best regards,

--- John Coleman

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