Call for papers: Special Issue of Lingua

B. Woll b.woll at CITY.AC.UK
Wed Oct 29 12:22:00 UTC 2003

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

Special issue of the journal 'Lingua' on Sign
Language Classifiers

Guest editors: Gary Morgan & Bencie Woll (City University,

Scope of the Issue:

There has been much interest in the linguistic description of
classifiers in sign languages in recent years.  An
understanding of the polymorphemic structure of
constructions involving classifiers, their use in syntax,  and
their role in encoding topographic information have been
central areas of research.  The aim of this special issue is to
address these and related questions with particular
emphasis on linguistic or psycholinguistic analyses.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

*   Syntactic analysis of classifiers
*   Semantic analysis of classifiers
*   Cross-linguistic comparison of classifiers
*   The role of clasifiers in discourse
*   First language acquisition of classifiers
*   Language impairment and classifiers

Abstracts for proposd manuscripts (not more than 1000
words) should be sent to Gary Morgan, as below before
December 1st 2003.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to submit a full
manuscript conforming to the editorial requirments of the
journal 'Lingua' by April 1st 2004.  All manuscripts will be
peer reviewed by 'Lingua'.

Submissions and enquiries to:

Gary Morgan
G.Morgan at

Important dates.
Deadline for submission of article abstract: December 1st,
Deadline for submission of article: April 1st, 2004

Professor Bencie Woll
Chair of Sign Language & Deaf Studies, Department of Language and
Communication Science
City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB
+44 (0)20 7040 8354 (tel.) +44 (0)20 7040 8314 (minicom) +44 (0)20
7040 8577 (fax)
b.woll at

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