feedback pls

Debbie Patkin debbie_patkin at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 27 18:24:25 UTC 2004

Hi -

Here is my feedback. You mentioned that you believe that a single sign and a
single sound can be br considered on the same "phonogoical" level, both
being made up of parts. I beg to clarifiy - a single sign is hardly like a
single sound. It is, in fact, more like a single word made up of sounds.
Have you read Liddell and Johnston, "Think and Believe" article? THey
explain their notation system very clearly there - or you could refer to
Wendy Sandler as well. She also believe in the segmental system (although
hers is different than L and J). Basically, they believe that a single sign
is broken into segments (movements and holds). A single segment may be
"hold" or "x", and that consists of LOCATION, ORIENTATION, and HANDSHAPE, or
it may be a movement (a movement may also be considered a transition between
two holds). Now, look at a single sound - it is made up of three simulatious
elements - voice, loc and i cant rememebr waht else (you can tell im deaf,

I hope this helps!!


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