Signum Verlag daisuke at YAHOO.COM
Mon Jan 5 19:02:28 UTC 2004

Dear all,

Sorry to bother you.  I have been trying hard to get in touch with Signum Verlag,
but I can't.  From December 10, I called them a number of times (during the time
when it is supposed to open--I checked the time on their web page), but I could
only get the answering machine message.  I e-mailed them in December 17, but no
reply.  Has Signum Verlag gone out of business???  What's going on???  I need to
order 5 books, and I want to get them now!


P.S.  I will send the summary of the "sign language" course in a few days.  My
class starts in a few days, and I will send it after the first class.

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