Good descriptive grammar for ASL?

Edward Loper edloper at
Mon Sep 15 21:06:10 UTC 2008

I'm going to be auditing a linguistic typology course, where we
explore what different syntactic, morphological, etc., phenomena are
attested by the world's language.  Each student in the class will
choose a single language to look at in depth, as we move through a
variety of topic areas.  (We'll be covering a selection of topics
discussed in "Langauge Typology and Syntactic Description" by Timothy

I was thinking of using ASL as my language, but I'm by no means an
expert in ASL, so I would really need to have a good descriptive
grammar.  Does a (fairly comprehensive) descriptive grammar for ASL
exist?  Optimally, it should give some discussion of the topics we'll
be covering in the course: part-of-speech, morphology, tense, aspect,
mood, causal verbs, lexical nominalization, word order, clause types,
functions of the noun phrase, complex phrases, complex sentences,
complementation, negation, passives, and relative clauses.

Any suggestions?

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