Sign languages taught in primary/elementary & secondary/high schools?

Russell Rosen rsr14 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Fri Apr 1 12:57:59 UTC 2011


I took a survey of high schools in the US that offer ASL for foreign  
language credit. The Modern Language Journal article is attached here.  
It may give you some ideas on the scope of ASL as FL in the US.

Please let me know if you have questions.


Rusty Rosen

Quoting Adam Schembri <A.Schembri at LATROBE.EDU.AU>:

> Thanks Dan - I've forwarded your message on to my colleague, Amanda Lyons.
> --
> Associate Professor Adam Schembri
> Director, National Institute for Deaf Studies and Sign Language
> La Trobe University | Melbourne (Bundoora) | Victoria |  3086 |  Australia
> Tel: +61 3 9479 2887 | Fax: +61 3 9479 3074 |
> On 1/04/11 3:29 PM, "Dan Parvaz" <dparvaz at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
>> Adam,
>> In the US, it's a mixed bag -- foreign languages aren't always
>> well-supported within the K-12 system -- but there are instances of ASL
>> courses taught within the primary and secondary schools. The organization
>> pushing for instructional standards within the US (and Canada?) is the
>> American Sign Language Teachers' Association...
>> ... and I think the Wilcoxen still maintain some material on standards and
>> justification ("Learning to See", etc.).
>> Two steps forward, one step back...
>> -Dan.

Russell S Rosen, PhD
Assistant Professor of Education
Program in the Teaching of American Sign Language as a Foreign Language
Department of Health and Behavior Studies
Teachers College, Columbia University
Box 223
New York, New York  10027
Email: rsr14 at; rrosen at

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