a Linguistics of ASL question -- grammar

Grushkin, Donald A grushkind at CSUS.EDU
Fri Mar 4 17:39:07 UTC 2011

Teaching ASL Linguistics again.  In Linguistics of ASL (textbook by Valli, Lucas & Mulrooney), it says that in simple sentences with plain intransitive verbs, it is not possible to use VS (Verb Subject) structure.  A couple of students pointed out that one can sign EAT-FINISH PRO.1, or RUN-FINISH PRO.1.  On the face of it, these do seem to be Verb Subject structures.  I hypothesized that the completive FINISH might be changing the structure of the sentence so the rule is not violated.  However, I'd like to check with you, the real linguistics experts on this.  

--Don Grushkin

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