Signs2Go: Learning one sign language through another

Don & Emily Walker donem1016 at GMAIL.COM
Sun May 15 23:58:11 UTC 2011

It does not have ASL.  Sorry I was not clear.  I am saying that even with
ASL being my second language, there was enough learning transferable from
ASL grammatical markers that I was able to pick up some BSL really quickly.
The same skills that assist with ASL, help with BSL.  While fingerspelling
is really different in BSL, the closure skills used in ASL fingerspelling
help with quickly being able to pick up words in BSL.

Does that make more sense?

So just as was said in the first post:  "The course is based on the
expectation that Deaf people will want to use their first sign language to
learn a second or foreign sign language."  I'm not Deaf and ASL is my second
language but it helped me transfer learning to a 3rd language (or second
signed langauge).

Emily Walker
Clover SC
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