
Richard J Senghas Richard.Senghas at SONOMA.EDU
Fri Sep 16 21:26:50 UTC 2011

A both/and solution may be useful.  While I don't use Facebook myself (at least, not yet), it is clear that a very large number of people do, especially among the populations likely to include potential Ph.D. students.  The broader the outreach, the greater the likelihood of finding the most suitable applicants, which in the end is better for all of us, no?

Best regards,

Richard J. Senghas, Professor            | Sonoma State University
Anthropology                             | 1801 East Cotati Avenue
Human Development Program                | Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609
Richard.Senghas[at]sonoma.edu            | 707-664-3920 (fax)

On Sep 16, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Kathy H. wrote:

> I agree with Trevor.  
> Kathy
> Personally, I don't do Facebook (or any of the bandwagon social networks). For me it isn't "easier", email is sent to me without me having to do anything, Facebook (and the others) require me to actively go to their website. It's push versus pull, in technical jargon. So it isn't easier because these things demand that I make a conscious decision rather than simply relying upon an automated system sending me messages.
> Regards, Trevor.
> On 16 Sep 2011, at 02:45, "Anthony Chong" <anthonychong at LIVE.COM> wrote:
> hey, it would be nice if we do have facebook group. easier :-D anyone know about this?

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