CfP: Workshop on Languages with and without articles, Paris, March 2012

Pfau, Roland R.Pfau at UVA.NL
Fri Sep 23 08:02:39 UTC 2011

Dear List members,

I am posting the below Call for Papers on behalf of Patricia Cabredo Hofherr.

Note that submissions which address the topic from a sign language perspective are encouraged.

Please address all inquiries to her: pcabredo //AT//

Best regards,

Roland Pfau.


Call for papers

Journée Langues avec et sans articles 2012 (LSALAA 2012)
Workshop on Languages with and without articles 2012

La journée aura lieu / The workshop will be held
   les 15 et 16 mars 2012/ 15-16 March 2012
   Salle de conférences, 59 rue Pouchet 75017 Paris.

Conférences invitées / Invited speakers :
--    Sebastian Löbner (Düsseldorf)
--    à confirmer /TBC

Date limite de soumission : 1er décembre 2011

Call deadline : December 1, 2011.

Workshop description

The workshop is organised by the project "Calcul de la référence nominale:

langues avec et sans articles" of the Fédération Typologie et Universaux
du Langage (CNRS FRE 2559) which aims to bring together researchers in
-- L1 and L2 language acquisition,
-- sign language linguistics and
-- comparative syntax and semantics.

We encourage submissions exploring the linguistic means used to establish
the reference of a nominal expression, focusing on the following questions:

- what is the role of definite and indefinite articles in establishing the
reference of the DP ?
- how are the effects of definite and indefinite articles achieved in
languages that lack those articles ?
- what are the semantic distinctions involved in languages that
distinguish two distinct definite articles (see Ebert 1970, Löbner 1985,
and much subsequent literature) or two indefinite articles (see von
Heusinger, Klaus & Klein, Udo (to appear) The Distribution of two
Indefinite Articles in Uzbek, and references cited there).

We welcome work on formal syntax and semantics, L1 and L2 acquisition of
(in)definiteness in spoken and sign languages.

We invite submissions for 25-minute presentations (plus ten-minute

Abstracts should be at most 2 pages in length (including examples and
references) written in French or English.

Abstracts must be anonymous and should be sent by e-mail (plain ASCII,
rtf, ps or pdf) to : pcabredo //AT//

Please write the (first) author’s name plus the word ’abstract’ in the
subject line of your message (e.g., ’Dupont abstract’), and include author
name(s), affiliation, contact information and the title of the abstract in
the body of the email. For co-authored papers indicate the email address
that we should use for correspondence.
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