Verena's Google Map of SL research groups

Shane K. Gilchrist shane.gilchrist at GMAIL.COM
Thu Apr 19 16:07:13 UTC 2012

Dear Verena,

the problem is that its still in German?


On 19 April 2012 16:22, Dr. Verena Krausneker
<verena.krausneker at> wrote:
> Regarding the google map:
> My students are just amazed that reactions are so enthusiastic. :-)
> Yesterday in class some of them decided to gradually translate all our
> German infoboxes into English so content becomes more widely readable.
> Neither they nor I have any interest in personally keeping it updated and I
> dont see any need for that as the SL research community members can probaby
> very well regulate themselves, I hope.
> We just started it, have no copyright on it and would be happy if it would
> keep itself or would be adopted by SLLS. The idea is exactly that anybody
> can alter, update and add themselves to this google map.
> Technically that means: I have changed the Maps' Settings to "Anybody can
> make changes". Now anybody can register and then log into Google Maps and
> then go to this specific map and add another marker or cange
> information/links.
> Please, Webmaster Onno, could you try to access it as I just described?
> It would be great if SLLS could link the Sign Language Research Google Map:
> best,
> verena

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