death of sign language

Anthony Chong anthonychong at LIVE.COM
Tue Mar 27 02:45:38 UTC 2012

Oh right. If there are only less than 10 users, the language is endangered. Can it apply the same to sign language? I am asking because the number of signers can't be comparable to the speakers. 

Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 18:34:16 -0700
From: susan.fischer at RIT.EDU
Subject: Re: death of sign language

I believe that if there are were than 10 users, it is endangered but not dead.

Susan D. FischerSusan.Fischer at rit.eduCenter for Research on LanguageUCSD

On Mar 26, 2012, at 5:17 PM, Anthony Chong wrote:

 Hello all, 
I am curious. How will we be able to measure sign language death? Can we consider a language as death language if there less than 10 speakers? Let me know. 
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