Durham University - Interpreting

COLLINS J.M. j.m.collins at DURHAM.AC.UK
Thu Feb 27 13:07:37 UTC 2014

Durham University
School of Modern Languages & Cultures

MA Translation Studies - BSL Strand

Part-time, two year programme for entry-level and novice interpreters leading to full professional qualification


Graduates of the professional route of the BSL Strand will meet the eligibility requirements to register with Signature/NRCPD as RSLI or as RSLT as appropriate.

The Durham approach to Translation Studies offers a distinctive perspective to BSL translation/interpreting. Translation study is positioned as an essential component for interpreters. The School of Modern Languages & Cultures provides a languages rich and multicultural environment to study. The MA BSL strand uses innovative and contemporary approaches to study.

The BSL strand offers options for academic study of theory and practice and a route into the profession of translation/interpreting. The MA module options are also suitable for either experienced or entry level interpreters wishing to pursue research aims. A programme of module options can be chosen to suit (a) entry level interpreting students who may or may not have previous general translation/interpreting experience and (b) experienced interpreters wishing to undertake academic study of interpreting and translation.

Admission Criteria:
To be accepted on a Postgraduate programme, applicants' academic profile and career should satisfy these requirements:

• Applicants must have an upper-second class degree or equivalent, with 60% or above of the available marks in a relevant subject, such as language, literature or linguistics.
• Applicants with a degree level qualification in a different discipline must possess good ability in both languages (BSL and English).
• Applicants whose first language is not English are expected to achieve a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 (the written component must reach at least a 6.5 mark) or TOEFL (paper-based) 600 with 4.5 in the Test of Written English (TWE).
• Applicants must possess Level 3 BSL (or equivalent).


Durham University has a history of research and study of BSL. The BSL/English Dictionary was published jointly with the BDA in 1992. Undergraduates have been choosing academic BSL modules over the last 18 years. Since 2000 undergraduates are able to study BSL up to 3rd year advanced level. The MA/Diploma Sign Language Studies ran 1991 – 2000; the Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate Interpreting with the Deaf Community, 2004 -2009. In 2010 the School of Modern Languages & Cultures established the BSL Strand of the MA Translation Studies.

Translation Studies - BSL Glossary

Durham University: Ranked 6th in The Times and The Sunday Times University Guide 2014

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