[Slling-l] ++Survey on signed and spoken language assessment++

Tobias Haug tobias.haug at SIGNLANG-ASSESSMENT.INFO
Tue Jan 27 14:35:39 UTC 2015

Dear colleagues,

We are currently preparing an edited book on current/shared issues related to assessment of signed and spoken languages. To help us identify the most relevant topics, we  would appreciate your feedback. To facilitate this, we have put together a mini online survey:

http://limesurvey.learnhfh.ch/index.php/847733/lang-en <http://limesurvey.learnhfh.ch/index.php/847733/lang-en>

If you could compete this survey we would greatly appreciate it. It will take you about 10 minutes to complete it.

Best wishes,

Tobias Haug, Zurich & Wolfgang Mann, London

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