<TITLE>5th Annual High Desert Linguistics Conference - University of New Mexico</TITLE>
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM <BR>
November 1 - 2, 2002. <BR>
(http://www.unm.edu/~hdls/conf/2002/index.htm) <BR>
<U>Keynote speakers</U>: <BR>
<B>Ronald Langacker, University of California, San Diego</B> <BR>
<B>Barbara King, College of William & Mary</B> <BR>
We invite the submission of proposals for 20-minute talks with 10 minute <BR>
discussion sessions in any area of linguistics from any theoretical <BR>
perspective. Papers in the following areas are especially welcome: <BR>
Evolution of language, Language change & variation, Grammaticization, <BR>
Applied linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Researching Metaphor & Metonymy, <BR>
Signed languages, Native American languages, and Computational linguistics. <BR>
The Call for Papers can be found at <BR>
http://www.unm.edu/~hdls/conf/2002/call.htm <BR>
In addition, the guidelines for abstracts can be found at <BR>
http://www.unm.edu/~hdls/conf/2002/abstract.htm <BR>
The <B>deadline for submitting abstracts is August 2nd, 2002</B> and <BR>
the <B>acceptance & notification date will be August 19th, 2002</B> <BR>
If you have any questions or need for further information please contact either <BR>
Christopher Shank (chrc@unm.edu) or Gabe Waters at (watersg@unm.edu) <BR>