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<center><b>CALL FOR PAPERS</b>
<p><b><font size=+1>TISLR 8</font></b>
<br><b><font size=+1>Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research</font></b>
<br><b><font size=+1>Barcelona, September 30-October 2, 2004</font></b>
<p>Deborah Chen Pichler (Gallaudet)
<br>Gaurav Mathur (Haskins, Yale) & Christian Rathmann (Austin, Texas)
<br>Irit Meir (Haifa)
<p>Papers in all areas of theoretical issues in sign language research
may be submitted for consideration. There will be long presentations (thirty
minutes) and short presentations (twenty minutes) with ten minutes for
discussion in both cases, as well as poster papers. Research areas include
Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics,
Neurolinguistics, Sociolinguistics and Discourse.
<p>Conference presentations will consist of invited lectures, contributed
papers, and contributed poster papers. The original abstract should be
sent by e-mail as a Word, RTF or PDF file attachment to tislr8th@lingua.fil.ub.es.
A camera-ready copy of the accepted abstracts including name(s) and affiliation(s)
of the author(s) should also be sent to the following address:
<p>TISLR 8/ Departament de Lingüística General
<br>Divisió de Ciències Humanes i Socials
<br>Universitat de Barcelona
<br>Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585
<br>E-08007 Barcelona
<p>The purpose of this camera-ready copy is to include it in the conference
booklet. If you need to use a special font in your abstract, please send
it as well as an attachment in your e-mail message.
<p>The abstract should summarize the contents of the proposed contribution
in an attractive, readable form. It is important that the abstract accurately
state the problem, methods and results of the investigation. It should
be no more than two pages in length using single spaced text and a font
no smaller than 12 point. In the e-mail message you may indicate your preference
regarding poster or short/long lecture presentation, although the final
decision will be taken by the programme committee.
<p>The deadline for the receipt of the electronic submission is January
9, 2004. Authors will be notified of acceptance and type of presentation
before the end of May 2004.
<p>Authors of accepted papers will be asked to submit a written manuscript
for interpreting purposes by the end of July 2004. A selection of the papers
presented at the conference will be published after the standard reviewing
<p>For follow up information go to <A HREF="http://www.ub.es/ling/tislr8">http://www.ub.es/ling/tislr8</A></center>