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Dear list members,
<p>this is to inform you that there will be a sign linguistics workshop
at the Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS) in Mainz,
Germany, 25-27 February, 2004.
<p>The topic of the workshop is "Sign Languages: A cross-linguistic perspective".
<br>The workshop organizers are Pamela Perniss (MPI for Psycholinguistics,
Nijmegen) and Roland Pfau (University of Amsterdam).
<p>Below please find the program of the workshop.
<br>The talks will be interpreted in ASL and DGS.
<p>For further information concerning registration, accomodation, etc.
please visit the DGfS 2004 homepage at <A HREF="http://www.uni-mainz.de/dgfs2004/">http://www.uni-mainz.de/dgfs2004/</A>.
<p>Please note that the information is not yet available in English.
An English version of the homepage should be available soon.
<p>Should you have further questions about the workshop, please contact
one of the organizers.
<br>Pamela Perniss (pamela.perniss@mpi.nl)
<br>Roland Pfau (r.pfau@uva.nl)
<p>Best regards,
<br>Pamela & Roland
<p><b>"Sign languages: a cross-linguistic perspective"</b>
<p><b>Wednesday, February 25th, 2004</b>
<p>2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
<br>M. Vermeerbergen (Brussels), L. Leeson (Dublin), A. Schembri, T. Johnston
<br>Considering cross-linguistic analysis of constituent ordering in sign
languages: A presentation in three parts
<p>3:00 - 3:30 p.m.
<br>G. Mathur (Yale), C. Rathmann (Austin)
<br>Cross-sign-linguistic variation in the frequency of verb agreement
<p>3:30 4:00 p.m.
<br>A. Özyürek (Nijmegen), Deniz Ilkbasaran (Istanbul)
<br>The use of space in transfer verbs in Turkish Sign Language (TID):
Implications for typological variation
<p>4:00 4:30 p.m.
<p>4:30 5:30 p.m.
<br>A. Nonhebel, W. Emmerik, O. Crasborn, E. van der Kooij (Nijmegen),
D. Waters, R. Sutton-Spence, B. Woll (London), J. Mesch, B. Bergman (Stockholm)
<br>The mouth in the sign languages of Sweden, Britain, and the Netherlands:
a comparison by means of Aesop ª± fables
<p>5:30 6:00 p.m.
<br>M. Nadolske, R. Rosenstock (Gallaudet)
<br>A preliminary cross-linguistic study of word pictures in ASL
<p>6:00 6:30 p.m.
<br>D. Hara (Aichi, Japan)
<br>Maximum syllable complexity constraint in ASL and JSL
<p><b>Thursday, February 26th, 2004</b>
<p>9:00 10:00 a.m.
<br>S. Liddell (Gallaudet), M. Vogt-Svendsen (Oslo), B. Bergman (Stockholm)
<br>Crosslinguistic comparison of buoys: Evidence from American, Norwegian,
and Swedish Sign Language
<p>10:00 10:30 a.m.
<br>K. Cormier (Bristol)
<br>Exclusive pronouns in ASL & BSL
<p>10:30 11:00 a.m.
<br>A. Hohenberger (Munich)
<br>Cross-linguistic variation between sign languages: UG, modality, and
typological aspects
<p>11:00 - 11:30 a.m.
<p>11:30 12:00 a.m.
<br>W. Iversen (Cologne), J. Morford (Albuquerque)
<br>Counting on your hands: The language-dependent nature of number processing
<p>12:00 12:30 p.m.
<br>P. Perniss, A. Ozyurek (Nijmegen)
<br>"How many apples in the bowl?" Number and Quantification in German
(DGS) and Turkish Sign Language (TID)
<p><b>Friday, February 27th, 2004</b>
<p>11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
<br>R. Muller de Quadros (Florianopolis, Brazil), D. Lillo-Martin (Univ.
of Connecticut), D. Chen Pichler (Gallaudet)
<br>Clause structure in LSB and ASL
<p>12:30 1:00 p.m.
<br>B. Hendriks (Salt, Jordan)
<br>Negation in Jordanian Sign Language: a cross-linguistic perspective
<p>1:00 1:30 p.m.
<br>R. Pfau (Amsterdam), J. Quer (Barcelona)
<br>On the syntax of negation and modals in DGS and LSC
<p>1:30 2:30 p.m.
<br>N. Sarac, K. Schalber, T. Alibasic, R.B. Wilbur (Purdue)
<br>Crosslinguistic comparison of sign language interrogatives
<br>Barbara Haenel (Munich)
<br>The acquisition of verb agreement in signed languages (ASL/DGS)
<p>Adam Schembri (Sydney)
<br>Representing motion events in three signed languages (Australian SL,
Taiwanese SL & ASL) and in gesture
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