Hoi,<br>VGT or Vlaamse GebarenTaal ...<br>Thanks,<br> Gerard<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 9/4/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">Lorraine Leeson</b> <<a href="mailto:leesonl@gmail.com">leesonl@gmail.com</a>> wrote:
</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Just as a response - I think that we need to be careful in assuming<br>that standarding bodies somehow know best or have the right to
<br>designate the 'official' name or acronym for a language.<br><br>Having worked with the European Union of the Deaf on language<br>rcognition issues, I know that this can cause discomfort for Deaf<br>communities who feel that the power to name their language is (or
<br>appears to be) taken out of their hands - there is no problem in real<br>terms in having many languages referred to by the same acronyms - sure<br>Irish Sign Language and Israeli Sign Language have done so for years!<br>
When publishing, its normal to introduce the language and acronym that<br>is referred to , and consequentially, it does not seem to prove a<br>problem. ..and as such, I don't think that Shane's quick fix<br>suggestion of changing the acronym associated with the language is
<br>necessary at all.<br><br>Further, there is also the issue of anglocentric approaches to naming<br>signed languages here and more and more linguists are opting to use<br>both the acronym linked to the local language (e.g
. LIU for Jordanian<br>Sign Language, VGT for Flemish Sign Language, etc.).<br><br>The bottom line is - if its not broken, don't fix it! The current<br>approach seems to work well.....or maybe there is disagreement on that
<br>that I am missing????<br><br>Lorraine<br><br>On 9/4/07, GerardM <<a href="mailto:gerard.meijssen@gmail.com">gerard.meijssen@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>> Hoi,<br>> I am afraid that I do not have a clue why NTS should be exclusively the
<br>> Norwegian Sign Language. This means that calling it NTS does not resolve<br>> when you want to standardise. I had a look and the code for the Norwegian<br>> Sign Language is "nsl" as this is the ISO-639-3 code for the language.
<br>><br>> Using an acronym based on the local spoken language will get you problems<br>> given that there is no guarantee that there is no other local language that<br>> might call "their" signed language NTS. Given that there are so many sign
<br>> languages recognised by the ISO-639 and given that it is easy enough to get<br>> more sign languages recognised, I would advise you to exclusively use the<br>> recognised and unambiguous ISO codes.<br>><br>
> Thanks,<br>> Gerard<br>><br>><br>> On 9/4/07, Sonja Erlenkamp <<a href="mailto:sonja.erlenkamp@hist.no">sonja.erlenkamp@hist.no</a>> wrote:<br>> > We have started to use the Norwegian Acronym for Norwegian Sign Language
<br>> (which is NTS) to avoid too many similar acronyms for different signed<br>> languages. I have seen this mechanism (to use an acronym based on the local<br>> spoken language) used for other signed languages. Maybe that would solve
<br>> your problem too?<br>> ><br>> > Best regards<br>> ><br>> > Sonja<br>> ><br>> > -----Opprinnelig melding-----<br>> > Fra: <a href="mailto:slling-l-bounces@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">
slling-l-bounces@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a> [mailto:<br>> <a href="mailto:slling-l-bounces@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">slling-l-bounces@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a>] PÃ¥ vegne av Hope<br>> Hurlbut<br>> > Sendt: 4. september 2007 06:02
<br>> > Til: A list for linguists interested in signed languages<br>> > Emne: Re: [SLLING-L] Research on Signed/Spoken Language Code switching<br>> ><br>> > Dear Lorraine,<br>> > Which ISL are you referring to? Is that Israeli SL? I am working on
<br>> survey<br>> > data from ISL (Indonesian SL). Maybe I need to change the acronym, if you<br>> > are using ISL for Israeli SL.<br>> > Hope Hurlbut<br>> ><br>> > ----- Original Message -----
<br>> > From: "Lorraine Leeson" <<a href="mailto:leesonl@gmail.com">leesonl@gmail.com</a>><br>> > To: "A list for linguists interested in signed languages"<br>> > < <a href="mailto:slling-l@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">
slling-l@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a>><br>> > Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 5:43 PM<br>> > Subject: Re: [SLLING-L] Research on Signed/Spoken Language Code switching<br>> ><br>> ><br>> > > Beppie,
<br>> > ><br>> > > This sounds very interesting. I have a PhD student about to get<br>> > > started examining mouthing in ISL - I wonder if you could forward on<br>> > > the references for the work that you referred to below?
<br>> > ><br>> > > Many thanks.<br>> > ><br>> > > Lorraine<br>> > ><br>> > > On 9/2/07, Beppie van den Bogaerde < <a href="mailto:beppie.vandenbogaerde@hu.nl">beppie.vandenbogaerde@hu.nl
</a>> wrote:<br>> > >> Hi Shane<br>> > >><br>> > >> Anne Baker and I, and also Michele Bishop and Karen Emorey and<br>> > >> colleagues, have done research on code-blending, that is the
<br>> combination<br>> > >> of sign (language) and spoken (language) elements. There is now<br>> > >> information about 2 or 3 hearing children of deaf parents at different<br>> > >> ages (oldest is 6 years) and about adult hearing codas who work as
<br>> > >> interpreters...<br>> > >><br>> > >> Baker and Van den Bogaerde have two articles in press.... so a little<br>> > >> patience is in order. One will be in a book by Michele Bishop in the
<br>> > >> Sociolinguistics Series and the other is a publication from Benjamins,<br>> > >> eds. Plaza-Pust and Morales.<br>> > >><br>> > >> mail me if you want more info...;-)
<br>> > >><br>> > >> All the best<br>> > >><br>> > >> Beppie<br>> > >><br>> > >> <a href="mailto:beppie.vandenbogaerde@hu.nl">beppie.vandenbogaerde@hu.nl
</a><br>> > >><br>> > >><br>> > >> ________________________________<br>> > >><br>> > >> Van: <a href="mailto:slling-l-bounces@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">slling-l-bounces@majordomo.valenciacc.edu
</a> namens<br>> Shane Ebert<br>> > >> Verzonden: za 1-9-2007 19:28<br>> > >> Aan: <a href="mailto:slling-l@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">slling-l@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a><br>> > >> Onderwerp: [SLLING-L] Research on Signed/Spoken Language Code switching
<br>> > >><br>> > >><br>> > >><br>> > >> Hello. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with research that has<br>> > >> been done (or is being done) on code switching/blending/mixing
<br>> > >> between signed and spoken languages with a theoretical approach? In<br>> > >> particular, I am interested in studies focusing on hearing children/<br>> > >> adults with deaf parents so that the participants are native speakers/
<br>> > >> users of both languages. Thank you in advance for any leads or<br>> > >> suggestions, and I apologize if my question is too broad.<br>> > >><br>> > >> Sincerely,
<br>> > >> Shane Ebert...<br>> > >> _______________________________________________<br>> > >> SLLING-L mailing list<br>> > >> <a href="mailto:SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">
SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a><br>> > >><br>> <a href="http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l">http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l</a><br>> > >><br>
> > >><br>> > >><br>> > >><br>> > >> _______________________________________________<br>> > >> SLLING-L mailing list<br>> > >> <a href="mailto:SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">
SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a><br>> > >><br>> <a href="http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l">http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l</a><br>> > >><br>
> > >><br>> > >><br>> > ><br>> > ><br>> > > --<br>> > > Dr. Lorraine Leeson<br>> > > Director<br>> > > Centre for Deaf Studies<br>> > > School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences
<br>> > > University of Dublin, Trinity College<br>> > > 40 Lower Drumcondra Road<br>> > > Drumcondra, Dublin 9<br>> > ><br>> > > Tel: 01 830 11 66<br>> > > GSM: 087 66 700 28
<br>> > > _______________________________________________<br>> > > SLLING-L mailing list<br>> > > <a href="mailto:SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a><br>> > >
<br>> <a href="http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l">http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l</a><br>> > ><br>> ><br>> > _______________________________________________
<br>> > SLLING-L mailing list<br>> > <a href="mailto:SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a><br>> > <a href="http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l">http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l
</a><br>> ><br>> ><br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > SLLING-L mailing list<br>> > <a href="mailto:SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu
</a><br>> > <a href="http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l">http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l</a><br>> ><br>> ><br>><br>><br>> _______________________________________________
<br>> SLLING-L mailing list<br>> <a href="mailto:SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu</a><br>> <a href="http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l">http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l
</a><br>><br>><br><br><br>--<br>Dr. Lorraine Leeson<br>Director<br>Centre for Deaf Studies<br>School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences<br>University of Dublin, Trinity College<br>40 Lower Drumcondra Road
<br>Drumcondra, Dublin 9<br><br>Tel: 01 830 11 66<br>GSM: 087 66 700 28<br><br>_______________________________________________<br>SLLING-L mailing list<br><a href="mailto:SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu">SLLING-L@majordomo.valenciacc.edu
</a><br><a href="http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l">http://majordomo.valenciacc.edu/mailman/listinfo/slling-l</a><br><br></blockquote></div><br>