Hi,<br><br>for my undergrad thesis I'm looking at compounding in ASL, specifically semantic and formal headedness. I know there's at least one paper on the topic out there, and I've been trying for weeks to lay my hands on it - unsuccessfully up to now. Here's the reference:<br>
<br>Svaib, Trisha. 1992. "Compound nouns in American Sign Language: Which way are they headed?" Paper presented at International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language<br>Research, 4, San Diego, CA, August 5-8.<br>
<br>I have seen this work referenced e.g. in M.C. Bussemaker's 2000 thesis on Compounding in NGT as well as in Rachel Channon's 2002 thesis "Signs are single segments". <br>I'd be very grateful to anyone who could provide me with Svaib's paper or her current email address. Any further pointings to articles on headedness in ASL would be appreicated, too.<br>