Can we help get SW5 launches

Ingvild Roald ingvild.roald at STATPED.NO
Tue Jun 25 14:39:38 UTC 2002

As the computers are getting more common, and more sofisticated, we get
into problems while we still do not have a SW version that will run on the
new computers and systems that the young people know.

So could we put our heads together, and find ways to rise the money needed
for SW 5?

I know I cannot pay for it by myself, any contribution from me personaly
would have to be small, but maybe we know of different sources in the
different countries that might together make the neccessary amount?

Just now, Valerie is busy completing the SignBank, with too little funding
for that too - so don't let's burden her with this, but if we could
present her with the funding when she comes out of 'busy hibernation' in
september, wouldn't that be great?

Does anyone know how much is needed?


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