FileMaker discounts?

Regina Brooks webservant at HEARTSIGNS.ORG
Wed May 29 17:35:07 UTC 2002

Thank you, Valerie.  That's great news!  We look forward to being able to
use SignBank 2002!


Regina Brooks - hearing
Serving the Heartsigns Internet Ministry
... from the foot of the Cross
-------Original Message-------

From: SignWriting List
Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 10:25:24 AM
Subject: FileMaker discounts?

SignWriting List
May 29, 2002

Regina Brooks wrote:
>Did you get a chance to review our questions about FileMaker's discount

Hello Regina and everyone -
Thank you for this message, and sorry to keep you waiting.

FileMaker does have a half-price discount for educators, and I plan
to call them to make arrangements so that our "SignBank" group, can
receive that discount price from FileMaker...I will inform the List
when that arrangement is official. It may take several months... do not need to purchase FileMaker to use SignBank
anyway. There will be a SignBank Shareware version, that will not
require FileMaker. SignBank 2002 is scheduled for release September,
2002, so it will not be for several months...

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