International Movement Writing Alphabet

Ismael Silva ismael at SPG.SAPO.PT
Mon May 10 07:39:52 UTC 2004

Ol ç  Valerie

Sou de Portugal e gostaria de receber informa ì6 es sobre a Confer J? cia em
Lisboa  \  30 de Maio.

Regina Silva

-----Mensagem original-----
De: SignWriting List [mailto:SW-L at ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA]Em nome de Valerie
Enviada: domingo, 9 de Maio de 2004 15:45
Assunto: Re: International Movement Writing Alphabet

SignWriting List
May 9, 2004

Bill Reese wrote:
> Your work is indeed amazing.  My picture is just a small tree in the
> much larger forest, but thank you for the credit.  Godspeed with your
> work towards the May 30th Lisbon conference!  :-)

Thank you, Bill!
Here is Bill's map, for those who wonder what we are talking about.
It is a part of the cover design for the IMWA manual:

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