[sw-l] Wonderful Video-conferencing!

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Tue Sep 28 20:52:16 UTC 2004

SignWriting List
September 28, 2004

Dear SW List, and Stuart and Kevin!
Stuart and I just had a great video conversation in Sign Language...me
with my hearing accent...and Stuart having patience with me - ha!!
Thank you Stuart, for all the good help you have given me...

So we talked about setting up classes so that I could visit with
different classes around the country by video phone. We talked about
learning how to set it up so that we would have four pictures...one for
Stuart, one for me, one for Stuart's computer, and one for my
computer...so that would make four windows open during one
conversation. If we learn how to do that we could start teaching people
how to type with SignWriting!!

Does anyone know how to set up a video conference to view a computer
screen, plus sign language at the same time?

Val ;-)

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