Glitch in editing signs...

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Wed Jul 6 22:13:07 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
July 6, 2005

Charles - There is a logical explanation, that I explained to Kim  
before...For the dictionary to find a sign, there has to be an entry  
without a number...let me give you an example...


like that...the first one HAS to be without a number, or the  
dictionary cannot list it.

Usually, if you just add a new sign, then that sign is automatically  
assigned a number etc...I don't believe there should ever be a _1...I  
am not sure...I have to ask Steve...

But as an editor, when you go under dictionary editors and you search  
for the sign, in that area you can find signs that got confused when  
someone deleted the first sign without the number...and then  
SignPuddle doesn't automatically re-assign the no-number to a sign  
and then the whole list cannot be found...

I will tell Steve about this when he gets back, but meanwhile it is  
easy enough...You go into Dictionary Editors and find the signs, and  
then rename them to make sure that one has no number and the others  
are in sequence with _2, _3 etc...I do that all the time whenever I  
rename or delete signs, I make sure there is always one that does not  
have a number so the dictionary can find it...

Val ;-)


On Jul 6, 2005, at 3:00 PM, Charles Butler wrote:

Now it's even stranger.  If I go into "edit" mode, I can get all  
three signs, but they are NOT listed in the dictionary if you bring  
up "baron" or search for baron.  Maybe I'm doing something crazy.


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