[sw-l] AUSTRALIA Sign for Australia

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Wed Jun 1 17:23:57 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
June 1, 2005

Stefan Wöhrmann wrote:
> thanks for this lesson -

Ha! It was not a lesson. I just wrote the sign that Antony showed us  
on this web site:


Go there and search for the sign Australia. The sign on that video  
does a circle, and then a flick down. I personally do not know the  
sign. I was only trying to write what I saw on the video clip...I can  
imagine there could be many ways to write the exact same sign...

> I looked at my dictionary - to compare my spelling -

I bet you have a different sign!

> I did not look at the video - so it might not go along with that -
> On the other hand I saw deaf people signing "Australia"  here in  
> Germany
> with kind of up - forward - down movement -
>  I am curious - and anxious to improve my reading skills -

There is nothing to be anxious about. We have to make sure that we  
are looking at the same sign first! So go to the web page above, and  
look at their video...

> I interpret your spelling as if you do a "complete" circle movement  
> first
> and afterwards move your hands down with flicking open the hand -

That is exactly what i saw on the video, but maybe you see the video  
differently?...take a look and then write again...

> I think that this doubled information (flick - symbol) and  
> presentation of
> the handshape in the final position is ok - but not necessary -

I don't know their sign...I was just writing what I thought I saw...

> Especially at school and for documents written for children I got  
> used to
> our "rule" (smile) just write as few symbols as are really  
> necessary...
> Attached you find a gif with variations on my spellings - do you  
> agree with
> that too ?

If you sign it differently then I am sure you are writing it  
correctly for the way you sign it! smile...

On the video he started with 8 handshapes parallel to the floor...

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