Thumbs in the L and 10 handshapes

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Sep 4 23:00:54 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
September 4, 2005

Everyone -
Regarding thumbs...

In Stefan's new book, he presents the 10 handshape exactly like the L  
handshape, but without the index finger. That is more logical because  
it fits with our other palm facings...that is what I mean when I say  
I have to make this change to the IMWA...

Once the change is made to the IMWA, then the Lessons in SignWriting  
textbooks all have to be changed too...although I suppose we could  
just create an additions page stating that this is the new way we do  
this etc... you have diagrams we can use from your book, teaching the  
10 handshape in this new way? Do we have permission to use your  
drawings from your book? That would help standardize the writing  
system faster...I hope you will agree...Val ;-)

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